1.Biography of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan, Croatia into a family of 5 children. His father, Milutin Tesla, is a Serbian Orthodox priest and a writer. His father encouraged him to become a priest, but Tesla only expressed an interest in science.
His mother, Djuka Mandic, is a homemaker but is passionate about inventing small home appliances in her spare time. Tesla once admitted that he inherited the blood of his invention from his mother.
Tesla has made great contributions by creating dozens of breakthroughs in the production, transmission, and application of electrical energy. He is a futurist and is considered one of the most creative and insane scientists in history. In addition, he holds more than 300 patents in various fields.
Despite being very famous and respected, Tesla was never able to turn his rich inventions into a huge fortune like his former boss and rival, Thomas Edison. However, with his futuristic inventions, Tesla was dubbed the "inventor of the 20th century".

2.What is the IQ of Nikola Tesla?

There is no exact number for Tesla's IQ. However, based on his achievements, researchers have estimated that his IQ is in the range of 160 - 310, among the top 40 smartest people of all time.
The competition between Edison and Tesla mainly occurs in the field of electricity, specifically direct current and alternating current. In the early years of electricity, direct current, invented by Edison, was the standard. However, it could not transmit power over long distances. Meanwhile, Tesla's alternating current could overcome that drawback.
The competition etween Edison and Tesla mainly occurs in the field of electricity
The competition etween Edison and Tesla mainly occurs in the field of electricity.

After not working with Edison, he founded his own company, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. The company installed electric arc lighting systems based on Tesla designs and also designed power rectifiers. However, it was the monstrous and unrealistic ideas at that time that made investors gradually turn away, even fired Tesla, leaving him in dire straits. Because of his eccentric personality and strange, unbelievable claims about the development of science and technology, he was isolated by the world and considered a "mad scientist" for the rest of his life.
After his death, Tesla's works were almost forgotten. However, since the 1990s, his contributions began to become widely known. The international unit of measurement for the intensity of induction from tesla is named after his surname.
It can be said that Tesla is a great inventor with extraordinary talent. Although he has never received a Nobel Prize, his inventions and contributions to science have been recognized worldwide, because it has promoted the progress of all mankind. He was the inventor of the Tesla coil, pioneered the field of communications, and laid the foundation for many electrical engineering concepts that we have not yet caught up with.

3.12 Utopian Inventions of Nikola Tesla

  • Cosmic Ray Mining
Tesla believed it was achievable to design a viable machine to harness this energy and end the problem of scarcity on Earth. These microscopic cosmic particles are constantly falling to the ground at a speed faster than light. Therefore, he thought it was possible to "catch" and convert them into usable energy. Unfortunately, his invention was never produced.
  • Electric Induction
Tesla dreamed of a world without complicated wires. He proposed a wireless power system consisting of a tower that wirelessly transmits electricity and energy to every corner of the planet.
He began to build the Wardenclyffe tower in New York but was later withdrawn funding by JP Morgan because they discovered his true intentions. If successful, the world will be able to use free and unlimited electricity with just one antenna.
Tesla's invention was strongly opposed by the government because it was not profitable. Recently, however, scientists have been able to light a light bulb wirelessly at a distance of 7 meters.
With IQ can reach 300 Tesla has amazing nventions.
With IQ can reach 300 Tesla has amazing nventions.
  • Cold fire
Tesla wanted to replace electricity with water because electricity is the biggest enemy of germs. Cold fire means burning without causing burns. One would stand on a metal plate and be covered in an alternating current of 2.5 million volts like a flame engulfing the body.
This method works because human skin is conductive. It also has a healing effect because strong electricity can produce a large amount of disinfecting ozone, which is beneficial for health. The issue of cost and safety for users has made the idea of ​​"Cold Fire" ambiguous.
  • Teslascope
Tesla's biggest effort has always been to create a device to communicate with aliens. He claimed to be able to communicate with distant civilizations using the Teslascope. However, no one has yet verified what he said. He heard various sounds, unlike anything he had ever heard, and clicks, which were similar to Morse code.
  • Death Ray Generator
This is Tesla's dangerous invention in an effort to fight the war. The Death Ray works as a particle accelerator capable of firing a high-energy beam 250 miles away to melt every engine and fighter jet.
Tesla proposed the idea to J.P. Morgan for funding. He claimed that with an energy flow of 80 million volts, the beam could penetrate any material. Russia supported Tesla and tested this invention. Many conspiracy theorists suggested that it was this manufacturing activity that caused the Tunguska explosion on July 30, 1908.
  • Weather Control
Tesla thought he could make the soil fertile by using radio waves to change the Earth's magnetic field in the ionosphere of the atmosphere, forming powerful atmospheric waves that controlled the weather. Once again, conspiracy theories claimed that his invention has fallen into the wrong hands and was being used by them to dominate humanity. The proof is that climate change and extreme weather are increasing day by day.
  • X-ray gun
William Roentgen's discovery of X-rays attracted scientists, especially Tesla. He expanded his invention, along with Mark Twain, into a powerful X-ray gun. They became close friends after Tesla cured the great poet's constipation.
Using this gun, the two could see through anything the beam passes through at a distance of 12 meters. The seemingly forgotten invention has now become an indispensable application in today's medicine.
  • Alternating current
Tesla began collaborating with Edison in 1882 when he moved to Paris to work for the Continental Edison company. This was the first time when Tesla was recognized by the scientific world for his talent. Edison offered to pay Tesla $50,000 to repair his generator, although he later failed to fulfill his promise.
This forced Tesla to split up and start a company, where he developed a new type of electricity called alternating current that could transmit long distances and save money. Edison was very angry and called for people to protest, even threatening to burn down the factory. Tesla proved his current was enough to light a light bulb without any danger at the show of 1893.
  • Light up the world
Once again, Tesla wanted to show the world his talent by patenting a thin, energy-sensitive gas particle to light up the whole planet. He planned to use a powerful ultraviolet ray to hit the particles so that they would glow like the aurora borealis. He made people think that if successful, the Titanic would never sink forever.
  • Tesla Oscillator
All things are made of atoms, and each atom vibrates at a different frequency. If the right frequency is encountered, it will resonate to a higher amplitude vibration frequency. Based on that theory, Tesla invented a pocket shredder that produced different vibration frequencies.
His invention was supported by many people because it contained a great power in healing. If it finds the right tumor vibration frequency in the body, the tumor can be completely eliminated without affecting other organs.
  • Remote control
Tesla invented the first remote control in history. Before it was called remote control, Tesla called his invention the teleautomaton and announced it at Madison Square Garden in New York in 1898.
Instead of using infrared like a traditional TV remote, Tesla's teleautomaton uses radio waves. He used it to control a small toy boat at its public premiere in 1898. The boat was built with an antenna to receive radio waves emitted from the remote. Tesla sought to commercialize both the controller and the toy train, but the public simply was not interested at the time.
  • Neon light
Although Tesla did not directly invent the neon light, he played an important role in improving the invention. Five years before the aforementioned teleautomaton launch, Tesla introduced an improved neon version at the Chicago World Auto Show. During the event, he showed viewers how this lamp can be bent and molded into various shapes and letters.

4.10 interesting facts about Nikola Tesla you probably did not know

  • Tesla designed the first hydroelectric power station at New York's Niagara Falls. The construction took three years and the first electricity was delivered to homes near Buffalo on November 16, 1896. Today, there is a statue of Tesla on Goat Island overlooking this waterfall.
  • Despite being a great inventor and having many outstanding achievements, Tesla's assets are extremely meager. Morgan refused to support him because he saw no real benefit from Tesla's crazy wireless electricity research. Morgan had to sell his property to cover the damage from the foreclosure at the Wardenclyffe lab. This property was acquired by a film processing and construction company.
  • If it were not for the cholera epidemic that paralyzed Tesla when he was 17 years old, the world would never have known him. For a long time, as a young man, he prepared to follow in his father's footsteps and become an Orthodox priest. He agreed to not disappoint his father even though he did not want this at all. After Tesla spent nine months in bed and on the verge of death, his father changed his mind.
  • Tesla suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. He cannot stand round objects, cannot touch other people's hair, always eats dinner at exactly 8:10 p.m., never shakes hands, carefully wipes all tables and cutlery with 18 napkins, wears white gloves at dinner, and is also a fan of number 3 and numbers that are divisible by 3. He once said the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are of great importance, as they are the key to the Universe.
The mystery of the numbers 3, 6,9 is the key to the universe.
The mystery of the numbers 3, 6,9 is the key to the universe.
  • Tesla believed that sleep was a waste that could have been spent on scientific research. Therefore, this engineer sleeps very little, sometimes 2-4 hours a day, in order to spend the rest of his time thinking of ideas and inventions.
  • He leads a fairly healthy lifestyle and focuses on appearance. Tesla believes that a healthy body creates a clear mind. Therefore, he often walks 8 to 10 kilometers every day. Every night before going to bed, he often massages his toes because he thinks it will stimulate brain cells.
  • Tesla's desire for solitude extended to women as well. To him, women are spiritual thieves, so he never married and did not even have intimate relationships. The true love of his life was only science and pigeons. Tesla was especially fond of a white dove, which once flew into his room through a window.
  • Despite the fact that Tesla was a scientist, physicist, and engineer, he still worshiped all things mystical. Perhaps, his interest in mysticism is due to the death of his brother. For years, Tesla believed he was surrounded by a fiery orb and that he could communicate with pigeons and control his transcendental state.
  • In addition to invention and innovation, Tesla has also made many accurate predictions. For example, he correctly predicted the arrival of the smartphone in 1926. The world's first smartphone was produced only in 1993 while Tesla knew about the existence of smartphones 67 years before, which is truly amazing.
  • Tesla is not the only person with mental illness in his family. Both Tesla's father and brother have symptoms of schizophrenia and personality disorders. Many documents stated that Tesla's father often argued fiercely with himself and created other personalities while his brother Tesla often had hallucinations.
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