1.Biography of Bill Gates
Bill Gates is known as the richest billionaire in the world. He is also the chairman and Chief Software Architect of the world's largest software corporation, Microsoft. Up to now, Gates' net worth is more than 90 billion USD. In 1975, Microsoft brought great benefits to individuals and businesses, discovered a lot of potentials that no one else could see, and created the largest personal computer revolution ever at that time.Born William Henry “Bill” Gates III on October 28, 1955, he is the son of William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. His father was a prominent attorney while his mother served on the boards of First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Gates has two sisters, Kristi Gates and Libby Gates. Gates was born in a family with both parents being very successful. Therefore, from a young age, he was encouraged by his folks to learn and practice agility and confronting difficulties.
He attended Lakeside School, where he got interested in computers. He was only 13 years old when he wrote the first software program on the school computer. During his high school time, he along with a few friends computerized the school's payroll system. At the age of 17, Gates teamed up with Allen forming a venture called Traf-O-Data to create traffic counters based on the Intel 8008 processor.

Bill Gates IQ Test score is 160 IQ.
By 1987, Gates was ranked among the richest people in the world. In addition to his endless passion for computers, Gates is also a famous philanthropist. He and his wife founded the charity Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he is also the author and co-author of many different famous books.
2.What is the IQ of Bill Gates?
We often mistakenly think that smart people are ones with high IQ. But actually, having a good taste in music or being gifted in physical activities is also a type of intelligence. These are the things Bill Gates wished he knew sooner.The SAT is the standardized test for applying to some colleges in the US. Gates achieved 1590/1600, which proved his IQ score is 160. After that, he passed the entrance exam to Harvard University. People all over the world respect and love this billionaire for his character. However, there are things we still don't know about him.
Gates has built his career on his strengths in logic and math skills. He also positions himself as an excellent programmer and has the knack for solving technical problems with ease. On the other hand, he also considers himself to encounter problems in other areas, such as communication.
Gates shared on Twitter in 2017 that: “Intelligence takes many different forms. It is not one-dimensional. And not as important as I used to think.”

Bill Gates once shared: “Intelligence takes many different forms. It is not one-dimensional. And not as important as I used to think.”.
Silverberg had a stint at Microsoft in the '90s. During that time, he can safely say that Bill was the smartest person at Microsoft. Gates loves to hire smart people with high IQ and always wants to create an environment around him where smart people work together. He also loves to have deep conversations with really clever people.
In addition, this billionaire and his wife, Melinda Gates, both hold an annual talk to share about the letter of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as his wishes for the world. During an online discussion with the audience, the couple received an interesting question from Mark Zuckerberg.

Both Mark zuckerberg and Bill Gates have the-same IQ of nearly 160.
“I was so naive about different skill sets. I thought if somebody had a high IQ, they could be good at everything. And that idea that you had to blend different skills together, that still surprises me,” Gates answered. “This notion that there was just this simple idea of smartness, and it could solve everything — I wish I had known better than to think that.”
Over the years, the "software king" has learned a valuable lesson that there are many different types of intelligence, and the key to success is to find your own strength. Gates' point of view is completely valid. In the 1980s, the famous psychologist Howard Gardener invented the theory of Multiple Intelligences with 9 forms. Mark Vital has demonstrated the most characteristics of these 9 forms through the table below:

Designer Mark Vital has shown the best of these 9 forms.
As for Mrs. Gates' response to Zuckerberg, she shared: "I think I would say, 'trust yourself.' You probably know more than you think you do. And I would sometimes get very impatient with myself. And the other thing I would say is: 'trust that you can learn anything.' One of the fun things about hanging around my husband in a work setting and at home is that he reminds me all the time, 'you can learn any field you want to learn.' Just because I didn't learn biology in high school, I can learn it now. That's a really encouraging thing."
Recently, the billionaire surprised others when he expressed his desire for people with IQ to work for environmentally friendly companies instead of rushing to find work on Wall Street, according to CNBC Make It.
At a recent event co-hosted by tech news site TechCrunch, the former Microsoft CEO talked about how his climate-focused fund, Breakthrough Energy, tried to attract high IQ employees who were looking for lucrative contracts in areas such as banking and investment.
Breakthrough Energy is interested and invested by many of the world's top billionaires, including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Ray Dalio and Michael Bloomberg. However, the former Microsoft CEO said the success of the fund depends largely on young people with strong ideas, high IQ and “want to work on something that's not just maximizing their income”.
“Part of Breakthrough Energy [has been] taking the IQ – the best IQ in the world – and saying, ‘Hey, don’t just do derivatives on Wall Street,’” Gates said. “[It will] send a signal to people early in their hard science, engineering careers that these are climate-related problems, we need you to get involved.”
He shared that the high salary on Wall Street is the main factor attracting many promising young employees. However, those jobs "are a little less honorable than they used to be". This inadvertently helps companies that work for the environment towards the purposes of fighting climate change have more foothold and easier to attract talented people.
That could be a convincing argument, as Matthew Killingsworth, a senior psychologist at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, told CNBC Make It that there is a correlation between high wages and feelings of personal satisfaction, but only for those who prioritize money over other life goals.
Not long after that, a global survey by Deloitte found that 26% of millennials choose to work for their current companies so they can get a sense of meaning from their work. Nearly a quarter of Deloitte's survey respondents are Gen Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) agreeing with the above statement, which is likely representative of a growing shift in social attitudes.
For Gates, the focus on his IQ is remarkable, as he has previously talked about reducing reliance on IQs to evaluate employees. During a 2018 panel discussion at Hunter College, the billionaire shared something he wished he knew when he was younger. It is about knowing how different types of metrics – from Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to Relational Intelligence (RQ) – can be beneficial. “I thought if somebody had a high IQ, they could be good at everything. And the idea that you needed to blend these different types of skills together, that always continued to surprise me,” emphasized the former Microsoft CEO.
3.Bill Gates’ Achievements and Awards
Gates was estimately able to earn $ 380 within 1 second. Even if divided equally among each person on the planet 10 USD, he still had 30 billion USD. According to statistics of the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, he has a fortune of about $ 104 billion, second after Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, with a fortune up to $ 118 billion. For example, if Gates spends 1 million USD in one day, it will take him 285 years to use up all the money he has now. In fact, in addition to his own private plane and $125 million mansion in Washington, he is also known to be a very frugal person.With Gates' fortune, he can buy up to 2,780 tons of gold or 1.45 billion barrels of crude oil. He co-founded Microsoft with Paul Allen, but he currently holds only 1.3% of Microsoft's shares, about 12.5% of his fortune. Even after he donated 27% of his fortune to charity over the years, Gates is still the second richest person in the world. His wealth is bigger than the GDP of Croatia, Cambodia and the Bahamas combined.
Also according to the US Social Security Administration, the average five genders in the US with a college degree earn $2.2 million in their lifetime. However, with Gates, he just spent more than an hour to earn that amount of money.
In addition to the fact that Gates is a globally successful businessman, he is also the most successful person in the history of the world, receiving many prestigious awards in his charitable works, such as:
- In 1999, he donated 20 million USD to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with the main purpose of building a computer laboratory. And to be able to honour Gates, the MIT institute has named this building "William H. Gates Building".
- In 2000, Gates and his wife founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF or Gates Foundation). It is also the largest private foundation in the world with the aim of improving health care and reducing poverty around the world.
- In 2002, Gates and his wife were honoured with the award for the greatest community service benefiting the less fortunate.
- In 2006, the couple were awarded the Aztec Eagle Medal by the Mexican government. This is a medal that recognizes both of them for their philanthropic work around the world in the fields of health and education.

Bill Gates is both a genius a billionaire and a philanthropist.
- In 2010, Gates received the Bower Award for Business Leadership from the Franklin Institute in recognition of his achievements at Microsoft and the philanthropic work he has done.
- That same year, he along with billionaire investors, Warren Buffett, and Mark Zuckerberg signed the "Choice of Gift Pledge," pledging to donate at least half of their fortune during their lifetime of the charity.
- In 2015, Gates and his wife also received India's third highest civilian honour Padma Bhushan for the foundation's charitable activities in India.
4.10 surprising facts about Bill Gates you probably did not know
- His childhood nickname is “Trey”, reflective of William the third following his appellation, as he was the fourth consecutive Gates man of the same name
- The first computer program that Gates wrote was the game tic-tac-toe
- When he was a student, he used to brag that he would become a millionaire by the time he was 30, which came true when he was 31.
- Gates was once arrested in New Mexico in 1977 for driving without a licence
- He bought the Codex Leicester, a collection of works by Leonardo da Vinci, at an auction for $30.8 million, in 1994.
- Gates' biggest regret is that he does not know foreign languages
- Gates does not use Facebook even though he is friends with Facebook co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg
- If Microsoft failed at work, he would be an artificial intelligence researcher
- Gates said that his children will only inherit $ 10 million each despite his huge fortune
- His all-time favourite business book is Business Adventures by John Brooks, published in 1969.
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