
Things To Know Before Taking An IQ Test

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An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human intelligence.


In the late 1800s, Englishman Sir Francis Galton introduced the concept of IQ in the Hereditary Genius book. In 1904, Alfred Binet was asked by the French government to develop an intelligence test to use on children to determine which ones might have difficulty in school; it included many verbally based tasks.

The way to calculate IQ at that time was based on a person's mental age score:

Mental age /Physical age* 100 = IQ score

However, this scoring method later revealed many shortcomings.

To improve this shortcoming, The test was developed in 1916 by Lewis Madison Terman - an American psychologist, Stanford University (in other source, this test was developed in 1912 by Maud Amanda Merril, an American psychologist, professor at Stanford University).

He named his test the Stanford-Binet.

IQ scores are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 (or 16, 24).

According to this definition:

  • about 2/3 of the norm group has scored between IQ 85 and IQ 115
  • about 2% of the norm group has scored over 130
  • 2% of the norm group has scored under 70.

IQ Score Range

The normal range for IQ is:

  • Scores under 70: “feeble-mindedness” (2% of world population)
  • Scores under 85: low (16% of world population)
  • Scores between 85 and 115: Average intelligence (68% of world population)
  • Between 116 and 130: Being gifted (14% of world population)
  • Between 130 and 145: Superior intelligence or above average (2% of world population)
  • Scores over 145: genius or nearly genius (0.1% of world population)

Low IQ milestones and mental retardation

To be diagnosed as having mental retardation, a person must have an I.Q. below 70, i.e. significantly below average. There are 2% of the world's population who score less than 70 on IQ tests. The severity of mental retardation is usually divided into 4 grades:

  • From 50-70: Mild mental retardation
  • From 35-50: Moderate mental retardation
  • From 20-35: Severe mental retardation
  • From under 20: Profound mental retardation

Genius & High Level Genius IQ Milestones

IQ test results from over 145 are considered genius, only 0.1% of the world's population achieves this threshold. There are 3 levels to judge a genius:

  • From 145-164: Genius
  • From 165-179: High level genius
  • From 180-200: Genius of the highest degree (Unmeasurable genius)

Application of IQ in life

The Flynn effect, which appeared in the 20th century, shows that the average person's IQ still increases, though not by much, with regular IQ training. Otherwise, it is common for a person's average IQ score not to increase or decrease in a lifetime.

Therefore, IQ is often used to

  • Assessing the logical ability of the mind
  • Educational assessment and placement
  • Job candidate evaluation

in the form of an IQ recruitment test. As it is believed to be related to:

  • Cognitive abilities
  • Memory
  • Attention
  • Speed

and studies have also shown that it can predict job performance and earnings. People with high IQ often have the ability to manipulate, process and analyze information at a more intensive level and faster speed than other people and this affects their success in life, work and life. work, study, etc.

A person's IQ score is thought to be weakly related to genetics such as:

  • health
  • longevity (people with high IQ are very interested in health protection methods, so they often live longer)
  • biological index
  • parents' social status

However, there are still many conflicting views on the importance of inheritance mechanisms and genetic estimation. In addition, IQ is also influenced by factors such as:

  • habitat
  • education mode
  • brain structure
  • gene
  • sex
  • race
  • religion
  • socioeconomic characteristics

Instruments for Measuring Intelligence

The most accurate instrument to test logic and measure the brain's thinking ability is the online IQ tests. This is the most popular IQ method now due to its quick and convenient nature.

There are many different types of IQ questions such as IQ tests with pictures, numerical logic ..., but most of them have the same goal towards assessing analytical ability, math, image processing as well as memory and speed at processing information of each person.

The International IQ test in the International High Intelligence Organization is built on the basis of the international IQ Test, which has been assessed by the world IQ organization Alpha High IQ Society with high accuracy and prestige. The IQ Test consists of 26 questions done in 24 minutes, which will help determine the IQ in the range of 77-142 SD 15 (corresponding to 95% of the population).

The International IQ Test has 100% content of images, to ensure fairness in knowledge and culture. That is, a person who does not need to go to school, is illiterate, can still do the IQ Test.

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